Who We Are
The Carolinas Energy Workforce Consortium (CEWC) is a group of electric utilities, municipals, electric cooperatives, as well as contractor companies which service these energy providers in both North and South Carolina. Our vision is to ensure a sustainable, qualified workforce in order to support the energy needs of the Carolinas. Collectively, we believe that creative and nontraditional initiatives will be needed to address the high demand for skilled talent our industry needs now and in the coming years. We work to identify immediate and long-range workforce needs, determine the ever-changing demands of our industry, and develop plans to build a pipeline of talented and qualified workers.
CEWC Goals
To meet these needs, our Consortium members work together to:
- Develop and actively support sustainable partnerships with North and South Carolina community and technical college programs which provide specialized utility industry training
- Engage in activities and events within our primary and secondary schools which are focused on raising Career Awareness of our industry
- Pursue initiatives at all levels of government to spotlight the availability of skilled, well-paid energy sector jobs, and gain support for our efforts